
Colruyt in Luxembourg: same formula but different

In 2008, we opened our first store in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in Mersch. A great deal of research preceded the opening of this centrally located shop. After all, the Luxembourg market is not quite the Belgian market.

Today there are 5 Colruyt stores in Luxembourg and we have the ambition to open another five.

Expansion manager Eric Verstraete tells us Colruyt Group's Luxembourg story.

  • Adapted to local market
  • Rapid market share growth and further growth ambitions
  • Expensive property market

In figures

Localised formula

You will also find the lowest prices at Colruyt in Luxembourg. The assortment is a bit different, adapted to the local market.

  • Luxembourg products account for 15% of the offer. We have provided a warehouse for this purpose next to our store in Gasperich.
  • The remaining 85 % corresponds to what is on the Belgian shelves. We supply the shops with this range from Halle.
  • Luxembourg's producers or distributors supply the local fresh produce directly to the shops. 
  • Luxembourg has about 630,000 inhabitants, half of whom are of foreign origin. About 15% of the total population is of Portuguese origin. To serve this community, you can also choose from Portuguese specialities in our Luxembourg stores.

Other legislation

For our Luxembourg stores, we naturally follow the Luxembourg legislation.

This means, for example, that butchers' shops are slightly larger here due to the applicable environmental legislation. And the racks are up to 15 metres long.

Growing in Luxembourg

Although we have only been present in Luxembourg for a good decade, Colruyt's market share is almost 5%. Luxembourg customers appreciate the good service and customer friendliness.

Colruyt still sees potential for 5 additional branches. But real estate in Luxembourg is very expensive and prices are rising fast. It is therefore less easy to find good locations or premises.


Stores in Luxembourg

  • Mersch: the first store | a rental property in a shopping centre
  • Gasperich: a rented store
  • Sanem: own new building
  • Wemperhardt: own new building
  • Pommerloch: the fifth store | in a rental property | July 2021

The net retail floor space of a Colruyt store in Luxembourg is on average 1,500 m2